lundi 17 avril 2017

Save the White Rhino! By Hugues and Virgile (CM1-A)

Endangered Animal: The White Rhino

The White Rhino (Ceratotherium simum) is the largest existent species of rhinoceros. It lives in Kenya.

The white rhinoceros population consists of the southern white rhinoceros, with an estimated 19,682–21,077 wild-living animals in the year 2015, and the northern white rhioceros.

The northern subspecies had very few remaining, with only three confirmed individuals left in 2015 (two females; Fatu, 15 and Najin, 25: and one male; Sudan, 42), all in captivity. Now there are around 4 wild white Rhinos (northern rhinos).

They are endangered because of over-hunting. We can help them by arresting poachers and defend them day and night.

Our special connection is that we live in the same world so we need to help them. The poachers hunt them for their horns because some Chinese buyers say that it heals you. Also horns are expensive and generate a lot of money. 

We like this animal and it is sad that it is disappearing.

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